Saturday, April 24, 2010

just because...

remember us?

Karen Fuelling and Dede Grenfell?
Some Gals?
(the fun little shop in Milford)

well, we're back and ready to play store again!!!!

only this time, we're in a pink roof, new floor, new landscape and pink.

the promenade

new name

the barn is packed full with vintage goodies, new artsy creations, nifty architectual finds, and furniture galore!! all ready to be snatched up by you!!!

the Promenade will open it's doors for three shows this year...
June 12
August 21
October 9-
(a fab Christmas show)

show hours are 10:00-4:00

Looking forward to sharing this new venture with you!!!


  1. Looks good!!! Can't wait to see the pink barn!!

  2. So, So Excited to visit your Pink Barn again!

    Love you, Eileen

  3. Hi Karen. I received the flyer for your Pink Barn Opening on June 12th. I already have it on my calendar! Erin has told me so much about you. I'm so looking forward to finally meeting you in person. Wish we lived closer to each other. You seem like the ideal friend. I think we have a lot in common, besides the fact that our kids are smitten with one another! ;)
    Best of luck with the Pink Barn.

  4. I was bemoaning my departure from SoCal, but upon finding your invitation in my mail here back home, I perked up immediately!

  5. Karen and Dede,

    I am thrilled to hear of your Pink Barn Opening all the way down south in Atlanta! I only wish Sarah and I could be there to help out, but most of all to go shopping! You both are so talented, you must take it on the road! I have an outbuilding we could host an event for the Pink Barn Southern Please keep posting photos, I love to see your artwork!

    Miss you all so much! Hugs and kisses, Krista :)

    Note:the blog user name-blabber mouth is Sarah's ID not mine

  6. Went to the sale today...very charming...loved the Pink Barn..Bought lots of cute things..I am looking forward to the next sale. I visit alot of blogs and always see a ton of cute sales, but they are always in other states. So it was nice to finally have a cute one here in Michigan..Thanks again..
